is, as these kind of overseers usually are, the AI responsible for taking care of the ship and its crew.

guides you through your first steps into this graphically impressive game world. Waking from a ten year stint in a stasis pod on a ship orbiting one of Jupiters moons, the omnipresent voice of T.O.M. The Turing Test, created by the same team responsible for last years Pneuma: Breath of Life, might just be the best Portal mod there never was.

Today sees the release of the latest title to emulate portals now classic test-chamber gameplay. Since then, many pretenders have come along to try their hand at recreating the test-chamber gameplay, with indie developers paying homage to its addictive and rewarding level based physics challenges with varying degrees of success. It practically invented the modern first person puzzle game, notably by making something other than killing the focus of the first person gameplay. Portal was a ground breaking game when Valve released it back in 2007, tucked away in the tail-end of The Orange Box compilation. Please COMMENT if you down vote - I take the time to create these reviews for this community I'd love your feedback! My reviews are not influenced by general opinions, they do not draw reference to other people’s experiences (unless I’m reviewing couch co-op play), nor are they based on any one particular element rather they are an account of my own experiences, and as a result are entirely subjective – as they should be! I try to be as spoiler-free as possible, but in the interest of providing an honest account, some reveals may be necessary. As with all of my reviews, the verdict below is based purely on my personal time with the game. Please note I play a lot of these games on my 'review' tag, and often before achievements are live.